
Stormy Kromer and Interior Design

I’m a big fan of Stormy Kromer, so much so that I subscribe to their newsletter as I like to see all their fabulous hats.  I received the latest newsletter yesterday, New Year’s Day, and I love how the “Kromerism” applies to outerwear, interior design, and anything in between.

Now that the holidays are over and the new year has begun, it’s true that many people will be looking to make some design changes to their home.  It’s also true that many of those people will be paralyzed by an inability to get started.  Pick the wall color first?  The sofa?  Floor?  How to pull it all together?  Here are some tips for you, and how we as professionals tackle any job, big or small.
1.  What is the purpose of the space? Will the room be used for multiple functions, who is going to use it, and how often?
2.  What materials and furnishings will be appropriate for the function of the room?
Only after those first questions are answered can the aesthetics be addressed.
3.  Are there existing pieces that will stay in the space?  (Floor, furniture, art…)  Answering that question alone may give a lot of direction for an overall feeling or palette.  If not, is there a favorite color, piece of art, movie scene, hotel, city, time period, magazine ad, store or restaurant?  A room can be built from any inspiration that trips your trigger. 
4.  What will be the proper way to light the space after the new colors and arrangement are in place? 
Starting with function first will give you a well thought-out design.  Just like a Stormy Kromer hat.
Yes, any old day will do to get started.  Any old day will do to give us a call if you need help.  Today, next Tuesday, March 26.  It doesn’t matter, any old day will do to start planning your next project, and we would love to be there with you!
Happy New Year!

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